Right or Wrong ... Is there any way to judge

We might have heard the following lines innumerable number of times :-

I am right .... You are wrong 

This is not correct .... This is fine ...

Likewise many such utterances which we listen and even use in our day to day life. 

But what exactly is the judgement board for this ?? Can there be a slain and plain answer for this ???

It's a big NO. Yes always a NO. It's a very complex preposition to begin with. Perhaps if I may be permitted ,  I would label it as a trap , where once we land , then there are no measures of it's depth . We might have argued this thousand times but still it remains an unsolved mystery. 

I believe what's right and what's wrong is just a perception . What may be right to me may not be right for somebody else . And I would be having a thousand references to back my argument with , and similarly could be vice versa at the other end  . But still the bottomline remains ... How do we judge it ????

Well the answer lies in the question itself ... Who gave us the power to judge ????  We may be right or we may be wrong but still it's ones respective perspective and you just cannot latch on it citing contrary arguments . It can well be a long drawn battle without there being any blood shed and surely no result at the end . Just an unfruitful blow of the trumpet without any Melody therein.

I know writing about this could be far more tricky since somewhere down the line the perplexity of the matter would entangle to a sense of confusion , nevertheless I decided to still venture in this untamed territory somehow with my point of view. 

As I say what's right and what's wrong is a difficult context since there are no set parameters to evaluate this dicey question..

Then comes another big question ....if being right or wrong is a perspective then why does one argue on it ???
Valid question ...we are for three simple reasons : 

Our Ego, 
Our stubbornness ,
Our intent to correct the other person who doesn't want to be ...

So is it worth to argue someone regarding right or wrong ??? Well yes there is no harm in the argument till the time it remains an argument and does not reach the level where egos get involved as a matter to bog the other one down ,  Till the time things doesn't get over borned by the doses of emotions followed by lack of rationality . 
It is always worth an argument till once reaches to a logical conclusion without getting in a head to head combat. 

As simple as it may sound , it is as complicated as it gets . I  experienced  this many times at home , at work place or may be at any professional dias...I have been tied up in the deliemma if I being right while the other one is wrong. With this lot many other emotions do follow which I presume everyone might have experienced many times in this life. I tell you it's a Herculean task to drag yourself out of that vicious trap since there is always a fear of loosing the genuity of the matter. Believe me it happens . 

So what's more important An argument or the viewpoint ???? Well I would go with Viewpoint all hands up. Putting up a viewpoint that too in the most intriguing way is far better than engaging into a pointless unfruitful argument . I tell you if one is able to put his or her viewpoint this right way , the other person who is on a contrary standing surely is bound to consider what you have narrated. 

You know another way of dealing this scenario is that you don't need to attend every argument you are invited to. What matters is the person whom you are into an argument or the point of time where you need to take a stand . Rest all are a futile waste of energies completely unwarranted and unsolicited. It takes every ounce of will power and happy thoughts , infact without clinching your teeth to safetly pull yourself out of such a situation. 

Another feature which one forgets while landing into such turf is the listening part. Very simply just open your ears and let that air brush your brain with the vibrancy of the other person's thoughts . Be it for a little while but it's worth the chance . If it doesn't rings a bell , hardly matters since there won't be any regrets of you not pitching in with a composed head. 

You know it does wonders , suddenly things begin to change , giving way to sense of politeness and a far better resolve to make the things work. You know once you let the person talk ,you in way is taking his/her ability to argue with you. 

One of the biggest reasons this right and wrong contest  get so out of hand is because each person is trying to be heard OVER the other person.  When we satisfy this desire, we tend to calm down.  We have no need to raise our voice if the other person is being calm. This is really worth a try . 

As I said it before Nothing is right or Nothing is wrong , its mainly how we see it , how we imbibe it . An old saying Even a half empty glass is half filled. Little change in perspective can change the world . Nothing more nothing less. 

Believe me  right or wrong is not important what's important is the Person ... Value his/ her words and wisdom. 

Nobody is born great, it's what we earn with our actions.

Love and Live. 
