I had been thinking for quite some time understanding , fixing my head as to what should I write next . Appears as if I am a big writer or laureate ??? No, not even a bit . Just making a few jottings , few scribblings , something getting birth out of my thoughts , my weird head .....
I don't know why but somewhere I am facing a mental block , may be overthinking , puzzled with lot of things that I could barely think rationally..Not that I am undergoing any kind of crisis , of course I am not since I had recently overcome one ( by the grace of God and family), it's just that somewhere those thoughts which persuaded me to write something is overatly missing . I am sure this is temporary enough to fade away soon so that I could sound a bit more meaningful , a bit more soothing to the readers eye.
Well this happens with everyone and hence I am no different in the brigade. It just that pinch of gloom which would very soon shower out with those vibrant lashes of positivity. That may sound something but mind you , it is the hardest especially to evaluate that phase .
Thankfully I have my beautiful people around who never let me jammed in my thoughts or rather should I say they never let the water accumulate , there constant thrust keeps me flowing and never let me engrossed in any mindless maddening stuff.
You know at times the most important of the thoughts seems to be so irrelevant as if that inner soul is barging every now and then to blink a pointer that there is something which is left behind , something which goes unaddressed , something which needs to be done. Let's say till when my mind articulates something more intriguing for me .
Lot of things happening round . Some with an advent dosage of positivity while the others engrossed with sheer depression, in a way things moving wayward without any exact conscience of where one needs to go forward. A calm innerself is what is needed as of now to navigate our way out of this Bermuda triangle alike. Yes there have been bouts of every emotion trailing within but still the effort to catch hold of the one needed the most is seriously missing.
These ongoing jalfrezi thoughts have actually made my mind a boiling catalyst , intiating actions - inactions , trying to get a gasp of unforbibben rhythms of untold tunes .
Open your ears and mind , hear it out .....something is surely your Rhythm Divine..
Love and Live.
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