

I had been thinking for quite some time understanding , fixing my head as to what should I write next . Appears as if I am a big writer or laureate ??? No, not even a bit . Just making a few jottings , few scribblings , something getting birth out of my thoughts , my weird head ..... I don't know why but somewhere I am facing a mental block , may be overthinking , puzzled with lot of things that I could barely think rationally..Not that I am undergoing any kind of crisis , of course I am not since I had recently overcome one ( by the grace of God and family), it's just that somewhere those thoughts which persuaded me to write something is overatly missing . I am sure this is temporary enough to fade away soon so that I could sound a bit more meaningful , a bit more soothing to the readers eye.  Well this happens with everyone and hence I am no different in the brigade. It just that pinch of gloom which would very soon shower out with those vibrant lashes of positivity. That may...

A Breed called Chai Lovers

Yes there is a unique clan of species known as Chai Lovers... An ardent chai lover would vouch this fact. Well this might not be the first time one may have heard this word but every now and then we are posed with a depiction of a chai lover.  Nothing outstanding being one such person but still you are stamped , watermarked , labelled to be one ... Nothing wrong in that mind you ... So what in fact is a chai lover , what makes me rant this ...... why do we need to create a specially devout category for such people ????? To begin with .... A special category for special creatures .... 😁   .. These guys are determined people . Such people possess one of the most miraculous and the rarest  quality and that is Loyalty towards their heartfelt chai . For them East or West Chai is the best .... A drink which they croon for , a drink which they crave for . An energy booster , a stimulator and any of such like adjective could underline the value of this thing for a person. F...

Right or Wrong ... Is there any way to judge

We might have heard the following lines innumerable number of times :- I am right .... You are wrong  This is not correct .... This is fine ... Likewise many such utterances which we listen and even use in our day to day life.  But what exactly is the judgement board for this ?? Can there be a slain and plain answer for this ??? It's a big NO. Yes always a NO. It's a very complex preposition to begin with. Perhaps if I may be permitted ,  I would label it as a trap , where once we land , then there are no measures of it's depth . We might have argued this thousand times but still it remains an unsolved mystery.  I believe what's right and what's wrong is just a perception . What may be right to me may not be right for somebody else . And I would be having a thousand references to back my argument with , and similarly could be vice versa at the other end  . But still the bottomline remains ... How do we judge it ???? Well the answer l...

Never Loose your path

I am sure nearly every office goer would be asking this question to themselves . So is it good to be back to the office ??? After a series of  Lockdown phases , finally the day has come when the Lockdown becomes Unlocked and so is  everyone , i say everyone get ready to step out of the Home . But really does one fanthome this ??? The thing is do we have that same enthusiasm or the same zest of going to the office and readying yourself for that tiresome grill. Well the answer wont be as clear as one thinks to be , since everyone has their own standards and viewpoints while deriving the answer to this question. Some might term it to be an Azaadi from that regime of 60 plus days , Some would think it to be indispensable thinking about the monetary requirement and i surely wont deny their perspective since it carries a lot of weight behind. Now comes the third category of  the people who think "Again we have to go through that same drill, that pretty lame working conditi...

Pandemic Perceptions

Giving the reference of Corona doesn't sound to be different as we all are known to , infact we all are well versed to its varied faces , shapes and sizes  , it's fatality and the outcome borne by every individual. Just a thought lingered to my mind whether Corona is a curse or a Bounty ?????  Before putting anything in black and white, I empathize to the people who have lost their lives or have been struggling with the brunt of this virus. I even empathize with all the Corona warriors all over the world , be it from any sector of the society , Be it is said or not  the whole world shall always be indebted to the tireless efforts put into by each of them in this crisis. Coming back to the question where I was :- Corona be labelled as a curse or a Bounty ???? ..  Branding it to be a Curse would be pretty straightforward since we all have seen the aftermath of the havoc created by it and there is no doubt about it .  For a minute let's think about another facet wh...